Friday, October 12, 2007

I Am John Edward

On my flight to Los Angeles I sat next to an older black woman and I saw she was reading ESPN magazine. I’m pretty good at reading people, you know, like that guy who talks to peoples’ dead relatives? Anyway, like that guy I deducted that she must have had a son in the NFL or something. Here’s how our conversation went:

Me: So, do you have a son in the NFL?

Her: What? No…

Me: Oh, really? That’s too bad.

Her: I guess.

Me: (Pointing at advertisement for “The Amazing Race” in her magazine) Have you seen that show? Isn’t it about white people?

Her: No. That’s racist.

Me: Oh, really? Yeah I guess.

That’s what I hate about people nowadays. People are so hypersensitive to race. What should I have said? “A show about Caucasian people?” What a bitch.

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