Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Gee, What a Great Concert

Homo: Gosh, that Foo Fighters concert sure was amazing. That Dave Grohl sure is one neat guy. The Foo Fighters are amazing because they're one of those few bands that was able to transition from the nineties to the...tens or the 00's, I dunno. You know what I mean Hal Sparks?

Hal: Yeah I know what you mean bro. Transitions like that are tough, like when I had to transition from doing I Love the 70's to I Love the 80's. No easy task bro.

Homo: Golly, I wonder why only the opening band, Metal Skool, wants to hang out with us? I mean I would have loved to hang out back stage with Dave Grohl, but I guess Metal Skool is nice right?

Hal: Yeah, I'm used to hanging out with the opening bands.

Homo: I can't tell ya how much fun it is hanging out with you Hal, you're a riot. I just wish my girlfriend would have come to the concert with us, she loves music. Golly she loves music. Gee. Golly.

Hal: You have a girlfriend bro?

Homo: Yeah! I told you like a thousand times Hal, I'm going out with Carrie Underwood.

Hal: Whatever bro, I'm gonna do some shots of those chicks' stomachs. (To the Metal Skool groupies) Hey Ladies! Do you guys watch VH1?

Homo: I'll show you Hal, I'll show you. Carrie loves me...for me.

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