Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year

I haven't posted in a long time and I apologize to those of you who might care. I don't really know what to do when the new year comes around. It always just feels the same as the last dumb year. So i'll just post some videos that may or may not have been in the year 2007 to feign nostalgia for the year that was kind enough to give me a kidney stone.
Fuck, that is hilarious. More Bill Walton gold here.


Did you guys see this game? It was awesome. It wasn't awesome.

Face rape coming out of an old person's mouth is funnier than when it comes out of a young persons mouth. Wait, that came out wrong...

Best fight of 2007 hands down.

Best music video of 2007.

Oh and Trindon Holliday wins best tiny person of the year award.

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