Saturday, January 26, 2008

Charger's Kaeding To Replace Tomlinson Next Season

San Diego Charger kicker Nate Kaeding played almost five full games with a fractured left leg (his plant leg). I don't know if the chargers front office is doing this on purpose, but they are making their former first team all-badass running back Ladainian Tomlinson look like third team all-labium.

First Philip "Promise Ring" Rivers plays in the AFC Championship game with a torn ACL, and now Nate Kaeding (kickers are supposed to take 1st place on every team when it comes to bench warming by the way) scores all of the Chargers points in the AFC Chip with a broken leg. What did Tomlinson do with his pestilential bruise? Oh yeah, hide his sorrow behind a visor.

In a related story to Kaeding breaking his leg 6 or so weeks ago: Lee Harvey Oswald had a broken right index finger on November 22, 1963.

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