Saturday, November 3, 2007

Weekly Sweet Ass Name

Vinny Testaverde, is he Italian or does his last name mean green balls? Am I right?
I was looking on the interweb for another sweet ass name of a professional athlete for all of about 27 seconds when I realized it's a waste of time to post these sort(s) of things. I could go on for years posting about Mack Strongs and Atari Bigbys and then trying to be funny by relating their names to genitalia, like "Mack's Strong Wiener Store" or "Atari Bigby has a lot of penises in jars in his house."

The truth is I'm really lazy and don't want to be bothered coming up with something funny relating to some guy's weird name. Also I'm pretty sure the three of you don't care that I don't do it every week. So from here on out I'm just going to post a weird name and make fun of it whenever and however I want. I have to be neither your ballocks bondservant nor your cullions chattel. I've come to terms with the fact that I don't need balls and wieners coming out of my mouth at designated times each week. I can do it whenever I like and to whomever I like.

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