Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This Just In: Richard Collier Suspended For Year

Roger Goodell has just released a statement regarding Jaguars Tackle Richard Collier, who was shot early Tuesday morning:

I have decided to suspend Mr. Collier for the remainder of the 2008-2009 season. After the suspension is up, Mr. Collier will have to apply for a reinstatement, that is, if he still has the ability to do so, either physically or verbally. We must protect the integrity of the NFL and the highest standards of conduct must be applied to everyone in the NFL because it is a privilege to represent the NFL, not a right. These players, and all members of our league, have to make the right choices and decisions in their conduct on a consistent basis.

In a letter to Richard Collier, who is in critical condition, the Commissioner states:

Your conduct has brought embarrassment and ridicule upon yourself, your club, and the NFL, and has damaged the reputation of players throughout the league. You have put in jeopardy an otherwise promising NFL career, and have risked both your own safety and the safety of others through your off-field actions. In each of these respects, you have engaged in conduct detrimental to the NFL and failed to live up to the standards expected of NFL players. Taken as a whole, this conduct warrants significant sanction.

The Jaguars released the following statement:

We appreciate the Commissioner's thoughtful decision today and the discipline plan imposed on Richard Collier. We respect this decision and are confident this is in the best interest of the league and the team. We are hopeful that it will achieve the goals of disciplining the player and eventually enabling him to return to the field of play. Our goals for Collier are consistent with the league's in that regard.

As long as players are getting shot at, Commissioner Goodell will suspend them. The Commissioner was going to suspend Sean Taylor last year for "consorting with undesirables," but Goodell thought it might not be prudent considering Sean Taylor died.

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