Saturday, April 11, 2009


This starts out as a music video, but the Macho Man is too powerful to be held by such trifling paradigms.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen... Mike Taylor

I could go on forever about how Donald Sterling, according to Elgin Baylor, runs the Los Angeles Clippers organization like a plantation . Instead, as a Clipper fan, I feel it is my obligation to not be a hater and to highlight the dopeness of my beleaguered team. Mike Taylor is the dopeness.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Men's Basketball Replay System Sets Record for Longest Game

Only a day after Syracuse and Connecticut played a three hour game that ended in the sixth overtime, West Virginia and Pittsburgh set the record for longest game in Big East tournament history. The two teams shot a combined eighty-two three-pointers, all of which had to be reviewed by the referees.

West Virginia freshman Devin Ebanks explained, "Every time we put up the three, the refs thought our feet could have been on the line..."

The referees accumulated three and a half hours of review time, while actual game time lasted only an hour and a half. No longer reliant upon their obsolete senses of hearing and seeing, the referees used the eyes and ears of the replay system instead.

"We just wanted to be absolutely positive we were making the right calls," said referee Jim Golding.

Three hours and forty-five minutes into the game, most of the crowd was asleep.

"The refs should have just tivo'd the game... it would have saved us all a lot of trouble..." complained one Mountaineers fan.

Perhaps the league front office will review this problem, but lord knows how long that will take.